
HESPA Policy Forum

The HESPA Policy Forum is a committee representing those working in strategy, planning and policy roles across UK higher education.


The committee works with a diverse range of stakeholders, seeking to understand different perspectives, gather input, and incorporate feedback into policy recommendations, as well as providing ‘insider’ perspectives from within institutions to assist in influencing longer-term policy agendas for strategic planning purposes.


The group aims to improve the decision-making processes used by policy-makers, providing relevant evidence and, where possible, a unified voice to lobby, express views and shape positive outcomes for strategic planners in higher education.


This work enables HESPA to be proactive, as well as reactive, in its advocacy work, and provides members with a platform via which to engage in this sphere.


The group’s full Terms of Reference can be viewed and downloaded.


You can find out more about the individuals who sit on the HESPA Policy Forum by clicking on the links below. 



HESPA Policy Forum members


Policy resources and minutes


More Policy resources


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