This session is part of our "Showcasing Good Practice" event, providing a space for our members to share with each other the work they have done which they feel has been a particular success, and to celebrate and promote the hard work of planners in the HE sector. Each session will comprise of a presentation followed by a Q&A opportunity. Events are being held on Teams, and a joining link will be sent prior to the event once you have booked your place.
Developing Quality Power BI Dashboards
Date: Thursday 22 September, 10:00 - 11:00
Presenters: Dan Swain, Strategic Planning and Information Manager, and Bea Carter, Planning Officer, Manchester Metropolitan University
The Strategic Planning Directorate at MMU have implemented a portfolio of high-quality Power BI dashboards that is integral to our strong data culture. The portfolio facilitates high levels of engagement with valuable insight that is being used across a number of important areas including Strategic Planning, Quality Assurance and Access and Participation. A clear and robust dashboard development model embeds a process of continuous improvement, meaning that reports evolve in line with user feedback, internal business requirements and external developments. The reports benefit from a standardised format leading to higher levels of engagement and a range of data visualisation that meet the needs of a range of stakeholders. The data visualisations combine data contextualisation techniques to reflect trends analysis, performance against target and sector benchmarking.
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Type : Training
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