This session is part of our "Showcasing Good Practice" event, providing a space for our members to share with each other the work they have done which they feel has been a particular success, and to celebrate and promote the hard work of planners in the HE sector. Each session will comprise of a presentation followed by a Q&A opportunity. Events are being held on Teams, and a joining link will be sent prior to the event once you have booked your place.
A Transparent Approach to Strategy Development and Monitoring
Date: Tuesday 20 September, 12:00 - 13:00
Presenters: Mary Daly, Strategic Planning Manager; Kirsty Roden, Deputy Director of Strategy and Planning; Claire Hulsen, Director of Strategy and Planning, Glasgow Caledonian University
The development of GCU’s Strategy 2030 was a truly consultative process, which ensured staff and students shaped the University’s future strategic direction, and key goals and objectives reflected the strategic input, expertise and experience of our staff and students. Our approach was to undertake an open consultation, and also a series of focused discussions to enable us to harness the expertise from across the University. There was complete transparency to our approach with all feedback received, and changes to the Strategy arising out of the staff and student input, available to all staff via our intranet.
Our newly developed GCU Strategy 2030 dashboard ensures that the transparency and openness so prized during the development of Strategy 2030 continues during the implementation phase. The dashboard was design led by, and sympathetic to, our Strategy 2030 themes and structure. It presents multiple complex datasets within a single dashboard whilst maintaining a user experience that is intuitive and easy. As well as being accessible to all staff, it is supports the Governing Body in monitoring progress against KPIs and informs the strategic planning process as part of a suite of dashboards. It has become an important asset contributing to a culture where transparency and visibility of University data is an expected standard.
We believe the openness and transparency in both the development of Strategy 2030 and the Strategy 2030 dashboard is encouraging colleagues across the University to work together towards achieving our collaboratively developed, community focused, Strategy.
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