This session is part of our "Showcasing Good Practice" event, providing a space for our members to share with each other the work they have done which they feel has been a particular success, and to celebrate and promote the hard work of planners in the HE sector. Each session will comprise of a presentation followed by a Q&A opportunity. Events are being held on Teams, and a joining link will be sent prior to the event once you have booked your place.
Developing a One-stop Hub for Undergraduate Recruitment
Date: Thursday 22 September, 12:00 - 13:00
Richard Whitehead, Insight Manager, Sheffield Hallam University
Sheffield Hallam’s Strategic Planning and Insight team has designed a one-stop hub for the provision of insight into undergraduate recruitment.
This hub brings reports for each key stage of the process, as well as contextual data, into one convenient place, with clear guidance of when and how to use each report to help navigation.
Each report within the hub is designed clearly and effectively to provide key information to users from right across the University. These reports allow staff to understand not only the current position, but also a forecast outcome based on previous trends. This allows for immediate decision making and long-term planning around recruitment and resourcing. Users can even adjust key parameters to model different scenarios and potential outcomes.
Detailed competitor analysis and demographic information on applicants also help to provide a comprehensive picture.
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Type : Training
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