
Ruth Burchell, Quality and Standards Officer, QAA

Ruth’s HE career spans 30 years, during which time she has forged strong networks across the sector working in different types of HE provider and sector organisations. She has developed HE administrative processes, developed national advice and guidance and training; set up student representation systems and offered academic and pastoral support to students (to name but a few things). This wide-ranging experience gives Ruth a unique overview and perspective of UK HE at micro and macro levels.

With a strong professional interest in the promotion of an enhancement-led quality culture her specialisms; include quality and standards in practice and policy, student engagement, student experience, HE administration, programme coordination and admissions. Most recently, Ruth was a team lead on the redevelopment of the 2024 UK Quality Code and is currently leading the development of the underpinning advice and guidance. Ruth is a recent graduate, having obtained her MA in Student Engagement with Winchester University in June 2024.


Dominic Davis, Director of Strategy and Planning, City St George’s, University of London

Dominic is the Director of Strategy and Planning at City St George’s, University of London. Dominic’s role includes: strategy, academic planning, performance, market and business intelligence, data governance, risk management and business continuity. Dominic moved to Strategy and Planning, having previously been Head of Admissions, and Head of Marketing and Recruitment at City. Before joining City in 2009, Dominic worked for the University of Nottingham. He studied Philosophy at the University of Birmingham and holds postgraduate qualifications in strategic marketing from the Open University and an MSc in Executive Leadership, from Bayes Business School. 


Stephen Dudderidge, Chief Operating Officer, University of Derby 

Stephen Dudderidge is Chief Operating Officer at the University of Derby, with responsibility for a range of key corporate services and strategy development. Stephen joined the University of Derby in April 2024 having previously been Registrar & Secretary at the University of Brighton, where he was a member of the University Executive Board and led a range of large professional service areas as well as supporting institutional and school planning and policy development. Prior to that, Stephen enjoyed a lengthy career at the University of Nottingham, where he latterly held the position of Deputy Registrar.


Rachel Hewitt, Chief Executive, MillionPlus, The Association for Modern Universities

Rachel Hewitt is Chief Executive of MillionPlus, the Association for Modern Universities, a role she has held since 2021. Rachel leads the organisation in championing, promoting and raising awareness of the essential role of modern universities with policymakers, the media and wider stakeholders. Rachel formerly worked at the Higher Education Policy Institute, as Director of Policy and Advocacy, where she authored publications and spoke on a wide variety of HE policy issues, including future demand for Higher Education and the graduate gender pay gap. Earlier in her career, Rachel held a number of roles at the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), focused on policy and governance, including designing and implementing the Graduate Outcomes survey. Rachel serves as an independent governor on the board of Leeds Beckett University.


Naomi Jeffery, Head of Analytics, Scottish Funding Council

Naomi joined the Scottish Funding Council as Head of Analytics in 2023, having worked in the university sector for around 15 years. She started at the Open University, building complex statistical models of the factors influencing student pass and progression rates, later moving up to the OU in Scotland to translate those models to the Scottish education system and wider context in Scotland. She moved into Strategic Planning at Dundee, where she led the development of a new portal for management information and a suite of interactive dashboards in Power BI. Naomi is passionate about using data to inform and improve decision-making, to deliver the best outcomes for students, staff and all communities in Scotland.


Laura Knox, Assistant Vice-Principal (Strategy and Planning), University of St Andrews 

Laura is a member of the Senior Management Team at the University of St Andrews in her current role of Assistant Vice-Principal for Strategy and Planning, and has oversight of several business functions across the institution, including Planning and Risk, Business Transformation, Strategy Support and Health and Safety. Laura joined the University in 2008 as a Statistics Officer and was subsequently responsible for establishing the Planning unit and for the development and embedding of its services, supporting and collaborating with all Professional Service units and Academic Schools across the institution. She has a keen interest in championing and facilitating evidence-led decision making across the organisation. Laura places great value on the importance of external engagement and liaison. She is Chair of the HESPA Higher Education Data Insights Group, a member of the Higher Education Strategic Planners Association Executive as well as a several external advisory groups.


Brian Kennedy, Director of Planning, University of St Andrews

Brian is Director of Planning at the University of St Andrews with a portfolio covering: Analytical Services; Timetabling; Risk, Resilience and Insurance; Health & Safety. He has been involved in Risk Management at the University since 2009 and has overseen the in-house Risk Register throughout that period, introducing linkages from Risk to Performance, Strategy and Internal Audit. He helped steer the university through a catastrophic fire loss which coincided with Covid, in which he was also heavily involved as part of the institutional Project Steering Group. His analysis has enabled the University to take greater control of its total cost of risk and he has recently begun working with the Health and Safety function on oversight, management systems and processes. In 2024, he was part of the team that redesigned the Professional Services Planning process to reflect a Service-based approach which incorporated Performance and Risk. He has an interest in finding agile solutions to workflow and data problems using SharePoint, Power Automate and Power BI.


Julie Leeming, Director of Planning, St George’s School of Health and Medical Sciences, City St George's

Julie joined St George’s in September 2012 and was appointed to the role of Director of Planning in September 2016. She provides advice to the university leadership on policy initiatives, rankings and performance. 

Her responsibilities include:

•    Horizon scanning for changes to Higher Education (HE)
•    Data assurance and risk of statutory returns
•    Analysis and modelling of data submit to external bodies e.g the TEF and B3 metrics
•    Coordination of the planning rounds
•    Scenario planning
•    Analysis of grant letters, including assessing impact of changing funding models
•    Monitoring of key performance indicators (KPIs) for strategic and operational planning

Julie currently sits on a number of external groups including the CUG advisory board, HEDIG and the JISC student data forum. She is a member of the HESPA exec and in co-Chair of the London Higher Planners’ Group. In Aug 2024, City and St George’s Universities merged, to form City St George’s. 


Robert Lintzen, Advanced Analytics Consultant, Studyportals

In his seven years in international Higher Education, Robert evolved from data analytics to a pivotal role in research and development for Studyportals. Robert has led large projects using machine learning on enrolment data, worked with universities to delve deep into student performance predictors, and, over the last two years, specialised in student employment data, stay rates, and policy making.


Iain McCracken, Director of IT Service Delivery, London School of Economics and Political Science

Iain has over 12 years of senior digital leadership experience within the UK higher education sector and currently leads the Service Delivery function at the London School of Economics. He has previously held senior technology roles at the University of Sussex and Canterbury Christ Church University.

Beyond his professional career, Iain is a Trustee of UCISA and Chair of its Enterprise Service Management Community of Practice. UCISA is a membership organisation representing nearly all major UK universities, higher education colleges, and commercial partners with a shared interest in information systems, service, and technology in education.

Passionate about inclusivity, Iain is also a dedicated rugby coach, committed to encouraging girls and young women into the game. He actively champions diversity and works to create player pathways that support their progression into the senior game.

Above all, Iain is a proud father to three girls, Rose, Phoebe, and Mae, who inspire his commitment to diversity, both in technology and in shaping the next generation of leaders in sport.


Rebecca Robinson, Data Analyst (Higher Education Insight), QAA

Rebecca has worked in data-related roles for 15 years, starting her career in local government focusing on surveys and consultations before moving into the Higher Education sector in 2017. At Lancaster University she worked initially as a Planning Officer, providing data and analysis to support decision making, and developing and enhancing the institution’s student number model. Moving into the role of Reporting and Analytics Manager, Rebecca led a team specialising in data visualisation, analysis and reporting of student focused data. In June, Rebecca joined QAA, working across the agency providing insight at a sector level.


James Rolfe, Chief Operating Officer, Anglia Ruskin University 

James Rolfe joined Anglia Ruskin University as its Chief Operating Officer in October 2018. He leads the corporate development of the University, including marketing and communications, student recruitment, outreach, strategy and planning, estates and facilities, HR, IT and business intelligence. He led ARU’s work on the creation and launch of ARU Peterborough, a ground-breaking and award winning university which is broadening and deepening HE participation in that part of the Eastern and East Midlands regions. More recently, James led the merger of ARU and Writtle University College, which helps to secure the future of land-based education and research in Essex. James is also a Regional Council member for the CBI, and a Non-Executive Director at the North West Anglia (NHS) Foundation Trust.  

James brings with him extensive experience in strategic, corporate and service delivery roles in local Government, including as a statutory finance director. Before that, James spent his early working years in central government, primarily in a range of roles in Whitehall covering management reform, Spending Reviews, public/private partnerships, private office, operations and long-term planning. James is a qualified accountant with membership of both CIMA and CIPFA, holds an MBA from Cranfield University and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.


Kirsty Scanlan, Director of Strategic Planning, Performance & Projects, Heriot-Watt University

Kirsty Scanlan has had a long career in the Higher Education data field and is the Global Director of Strategic Planning, Performance and Projects at Heriot-Watt University. She has a wide ranging remit with data at the core, delivering on all aspects of the University’s strategic plans and is leading the development of the new University Strategy 2035. She has a passion for making data accessible and useful, providing insight to decision makers at all levels of the organisation.


Paul Sheppard, Managing Director, Simitive 

Over the last 30 years Paul has worked with organisations in multiple sectors and countries, creating and embedding resourcing models and plans to support organisational needs and objectives. For the past decade, as Managing Director at Simitive, he has focused on partnering with Higher Education institutions to deliver innovative software solutions and services that help universities to plan and manage their resources more effectively, whilst enabling the institutional foresight and agility to adapt to and overcome the many challenges facing the sector.


Dr Brooke Storer-Church, CEO, GuildHE

Dr Brooke Storer-Church joined GuildHE as Chief Executive Officer in June 2024.  Prior to that, she was Director of Strategic Academic Engagement at Birmingham City University (2022-2024), with responsibility for co-developing the university’s academic strategies, developing BCU’s Wave 1 APP, engaging strategically with external stakeholders and contributing to the improvement of university policies and processes. Before joining BCU, she spent 10 years working in a variety of roles at the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) and then the Office for Students where, as Head of Skills, she developed the policy portfolio for the new regulator, spearheaded cross-directorate leadership initiatives, and launched competitive funding programmes across of a range of policy areas including graduate outcomes, technical education, degree apprenticeships, digital skills, healthcare education, and knowledge exchange.


Katie Sissons, Head of Financial Strategy, University College London

Katie is the Head of Financial Strategy at UCL, where she is responsible for aligning finance to strategic priorities and ensuring financial sustainably.  Katie previously worked in central government.  In Department for Science, Innovation, and Technology, she led the finance team responsible for ‘Pioneer’, the plan to support research and innovation in the UK if we had been unable to associate to Horizon Europe, and the Horizon Europe Guarantee Scheme.  In Department for Education, she negotiated funding with HMT across a range of policy areas, including Higher Education, and advised Ministers on priorities and trade-offs across the Department’s c.£80bn budget. 


Paul Smith, Head of Partner Services, Student Loans Company

Paul is the Senior Manager in SLC responsible for developing and delivering services with external organisations. Paul has worked in student funding for a number of years. He has led for SLC on the Income-Contingent Loans Repayments, the implementation of Education Maintenance Allowance, Advanced Learner Loans and Variable Fees systems, and the HE Act changes in 2006 and 2012, creating the Bursary Administration scheme and the Tuition Fee Loans system. Paul is the senior SLC responsible manager for overseeing SLC's responsibilities for the HE student finance systems in Northern Ireland and Scotland, the delivery of the services between HE and FE providers, Funding Information partners and SLC. Paul owns the SLC relationship with HE sector organisations, and is responsible for stakeholder engagement and preparation for LLE with education providers and partners. 


David Sweeney, Professor of Research Policy, University of Birmingham

David Sweeney is Professor of Research Policy at the University of Birmingham, and Chair of the MEDR (The Commission for Tertiary Education and Research in Wales). He was the founding Executive Chair of Research England, responsible for creating and sustaining the conditions for a healthy and dynamic research and knowledge exchange system in English universities. Within UKRI he was champion for the ‘Place’ agenda.

After gaining First Class Honours in Statistics at the University of Aberdeen, David worked at two BBSRC research institutes as a consultant statistician, developing mathematical models of plant growth. His work on the computational aspects of this led into broader applications of IT in education and research and he was Director of Information Services at Royal Holloway, University of London then Vice-Principal (Communications, Enterprise and Research). 

He joined the Higher Education Funding Council for England in 2008 as Director (Research, Innovation and Skills), leading the development and implementation of the first REF and with responsibility for institutions in London and the South-East. David is a Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society.


Stephen Wells, Director of Estates and Facilities, University of East Anglia

Stephen Wells has worked as a Director of Estates in the Higher Education (HE) sector for over sixteen years in a variety of different Universities.  Currently Stephen is the Director of Estates and Facilities at the University of East Anglia (UEA) in Norwich. Stephen is a chartered member of the Institute of Building, with a degree in Project Management for construction and an MBA.  Prior to working in the HE sector Stephen held similar roles within the NHS.
Stephen holds a number of non-executive roles, external governor at PETROC, a further education provider in mid and north Devon and is also a co-opted member of the resources and employability committee at the University of Bedfordshire.  Stephen has also just finished his term as past Chair of the Association of University of Directors of Estates (AUDE); and continues to lead the special interest group for AUDE on equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI), AUDE is the representative body for higher education estates and facilities management (FM) in the UK.


Vivienne Stern, CEO, Universities UK

Vivienne Stern took up the role of UUK Chief Executive in September 2022. She was previously the Director of Universities UK International (UUKi) which represents UK universities around the world and works to enable them to flourish internationally.  
Vivienne has over 20 years’ experience of working in Higher Education policy and politics at national and international level. She is a member of the GREAT Private Sector Council; a Trustee of the Council for At Risk Academics; and a former member of the Board of Trade. She was awarded an MBE for Services to International Education in the New Years’ Honours List 2022. In 2021 Vivienne received the European Association of International Educators’ “Vision and Leadership” award and the PIEoneer “Outstanding Contribution to the Industry” award. Vivienne is a graduate of the University of Cambridge, where she studied English Literature. 


Dawn Taylor, Deputy Secretary (Compliance & Risk), Anglia Ruskin University

Dawn Taylor is an experienced, adaptive, and credible leader who has excelled in a series of demanding Higher Education roles. As Deputy Secretary (Compliance & Risk) at Anglia Ruskin University (ARU), Dawn leads a high-performing team, advising senior executives and the Board on key regulatory and risk matters. Known for her collaborative approach and strategic vision, she excels in driving new initiatives and has successfully delivered high-profile projects, including an institutional merger and the COVID-19 operational response. Dawn is also adept at leveraging internal and external networks to achieve shared goals, with a strong focus on continuous improvement and strategic alignment. Her leadership and expertise in risk management, compliance, and governance has been instrumental in navigating ARU through significant challenges, ensuring the institution's resilience in a rapidly changing educational landscape. 


Alex Usher, President, Higher Education Strategy Associates

Alex Usher is President of Higher Education Strategy Associates, a consultancy based in Toronto, Canada. He is the author or co-author of many works on access, student financial assistance, Higher Education finance and quality measurement.


Dr Bo Wang, Senior Market Insight Analyst, University of Glasgow 

Bo is the Senior Market Insight Analyst in External Relations at the University of Glasgow. In a market research role for almost 15 years, Bo provides market insights to inform the University’s strategies and operations in international student recruitment, marketing, portfolio development, pricing and internationalisation.

After a first degree in biotechnology, with a second major in international finance from China, Bo came to Glasgow as an international student in 2001. After completing a PhD in plant sciences in the College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences, Bo has worked in a diverse range of roles within the University. She is a PRINCE2 Practitioner understanding LEAN and agile principles, with first-hand academic research and extensive project management experience. In a previous role, Bo project managed a RCUK funded £14M multidisciplinary research project and an associated Doctoral Training Centre with over 40 staff and students across 4 Scottish universities.

Apart from travelling, Bo enjoys reading books about global history, cultures, arts, psychology, technologies etc. Recently Bo has been studying a part-time Mathematics and Physics degree with the Open University. She is proud of her multicultural and multidisciplinary experiences. Bo is a lifelong learner, aspiring to be a curious generalist, a listener, and an explorer.


Vanessa Wilson, CEO, University Alliance

Vanessa is the Chief Executive of University Alliance (UA) a mission group within the Higher Education sector representing world-leading professional and technical universities. Our members specialise in working with industry and employers, this means their students are career-ready, and their knowledge and research drive industry to innovate and thrive. Vanessa joined University Alliance in March 2019 from UK Sport, the government’s elite sport body where she had been the Director of Commercial and Communications. During her seven years at UK Sport, Vanessa worked on four Olympic and Paralympic, Summer and Winter Games including the Games hosted in London.

Vanessa began her career joining the Civil Service from university where she worked in various government agencies and central government departments including the Employment Service, Department for Education and Employment and latterly the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs as a Senior Civil Servant responsible for all departmental Strategic Communications, Campaigns and Marketing.


Julie Woosey, Interim Deputy Chief People Officer, University of Salford

With 28 years HR experience, Julie has worked across several sectors including Retail, Business Process Outsourcing and Higher Education. As Interim Deputy Chief People Officer, she has led on many institutional wide programmes of work during her 16 years at the University of Salford, including being the lead for academic workloads for the past 8 years, overseeing the transition to ‘WAMS’ working in partnership with Simitive. Her current remit goes from Leadership Development to People Analytics and everything in between! She also leads the University’s response to major incidents on campus and chairs the Equity in the Workforce group. Outside of work she is dealing with the ‘empty nest’ and therefore a very lively 1 year old puppy!


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